Showing posts with tag novelty.
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Examination of novelty of designs in Türkiye
Tags: novelty, Turkey, examination
Posted By: Blog Administrator
Posted on 19/02/2024 @ 11.39
CJEU finds an Easy, Sanitary Solution to the Product Problem
Tags: CJEU, product, registered community design, invalidity, novelty, scope, sector, informed user
Posted By: David Musker
Posted on 23/09/2017 @ 18.45
Coffee tables - www remembers everything
Tags: corroborated evidences, disclosure, novelty
Posted By: Krystian Maciaszek
Posted on 20/03/2015 @ 20.00
Seasonal jumpers head for Irish ruling
Tags: Ireland, Christmas novelty jumpers
Posted By: Blog Administrator
Posted on 12/12/2013 @ 08.54
Postoperative dressing vs. Protecting clothing
Tags: clothing for pets, fashion, individual character, Novelty
Posted By: Krystian Maciaszek
Posted on 21/08/2013 @ 19.00
Gautzsch Großhandel 2
Tags: burden of proof, china, cjeu, Community unregistered design right, copying, germany, Novelty, proof of copying
Posted By: David Musker
Posted on 12/12/2012 @ 14.53
Statements of Novelty can create a twist in the tale
Tags: infringement, interlocutory injunction, New Zealand, point of novelty, statement of novelty
Posted By: David Musker
Posted on 21/11/2012 @ 13.05
Out of sight - in the wall and in the Patent Office
Tags: appeal, invalidation, Novelty, OHIM, Registered Community design, safeguart clause, state of the art
Posted By: David Musker
Posted on 19/11/2012 @ 16.12
Hair of gold, cloth of silk, heart of darkness
Tags: Denmark, importation, invalidation, Invalidity, Novelty, OHIM, traditional knowledge, Vietnam
Posted By: David Musker
Posted on 17/01/2012 @ 17.09
Reckitt stripped of Indian design by own prior art
Tags: equivalent, india, Novelty
Posted By: David Musker
Posted on 27/10/2010 @ 05.51