Now in its twelfth year, Class 46 is dedicated to European trade mark law and practice. This weblog is written by a team of enthusiasts who want to spread the word and share their thoughts with others.
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Portugal's ready-to-wear "trade mark in an hour"
Writing in International Law Office yesterday, a team of lawyers with Abreu Advogados has described the current position regarding fast-track trade marks in Portugal. The Marca na Hora (literally, 'trade mark in an hour') scheme provides a fast-track system for purchasing registered trade marks in tandem with a fast-track company incorporation system. This system allowed for the immediate incorporation of a company and the purchase of a pre-registered trade mark identical to company name, chosen from a ready-made portfolio of company names and trade marks. It has since been streamlined, enabling trade marks to be acquired independently of company names and offering half-price fees to promote electronic filing. The portfolio is required to contain a minimum of 200 pre-registered trade marks at all times, any of which may be chosen by an applicant. The authors observe that, while this facility may have its uses, it will generally be preferable for a business to select its own distinctive mark.
If you have any insights into how Marca na Hora works, or any direct experience of it to share with other readers, please post a comment below.
Tags: Fast-track trade marks, Portugal,
