New resources for members
MARQUES is launching new educational and networking initiatives to support members in the current crisis, including webinars and a weekly Virtual Coffee Break email. The next webinar is on Brand Protection in a Time of Turmoil and is on 14 May
ACPT Team analyse counterfeit pharmaceuticals
Members of the MARQUES Anti-Counterfeiting and Parallel Trade Team have published two articles on the issue of counterfeit pharmaceuticals
A breakthrough for GIs
Marijana Kozakijevic of the MARQUES GI Team explains the importance of the entry into force of the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications
How did you mark World IP Day?

Innovate for a Green Future was the theme of this year's World IP Day on 26 April
WIPO marked the occasion with resources including a message from Director General Francis Gurry, a special issue of WIPO Magazine, new data resources and webinars. It also created a pledge map, where individuals and organisations can make commitments to build a greener future. All the WIPO resources, including articles on trade marks and designs, are available on the dedicated website. MARQUES strongly supports the greener future initiative, and is considering what it can do to further promote sustainability. If you have made a pledge, organised an activity or otherwise marked World IP Day, please send details to so we can share the information with MARQUES members.
WIPO online resources
Latest information on scammers, and meetings of EUIPO Anti-Scam Network and Users Group
WIPO is hosting a number of webinars that may be of interest to MARQUES members. Plus: Director General Francis Gurry has presented his annual report
On 29 April, Willem Leppink, who heads the MARQUES Anti-Fraud Task Force, and Alessandra Romeo, MARQUES External Relations Officer, joined the 5th Anti-Scam Network Meeting, led by EUIPO. MARQUES was also represented at the EUIPO User Group Meeting held on the same day
New e-learning modules
The EUIPO and MARQUES have developed two new e-learning modules within the framework of the ECP3 Academy Learning Portal cooperation project
Latest CJEU judgments
The CJEU has published rulings in the Coty v Amazon, Gomboc Kutato and Gugler France cases
DesignEuropa deadline extended
MARQUES Media Roundup
The call for entries for the DesignEuropa Awards 2020 has been extended to 8 May
The MARQUES blogs include articles on recent developments in trade mark and design law, including updates from China, Turkey and Ecuador