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Barcelona, Spain
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Webinar (by invitation only)
25th March 2025 Question the Trade Mark Judges
London, UK
12th June 2025 Corporate Focus Group Meeting
Webinar (by invitation only)
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Arbitrating and Mediating
Tuesday, 19th April, 2016 Bristows LLP, 100
Victoria Embankment, London, UK
Accommodation Info
Registration Fees
Register Online
Tuesday 19th April
09.45 hrs
Reception and registration of participants
10.15 hrs
Gregor Versondert - Procter & Gamble International Operations S.A.,
Vice-Chair of the MARQUES Council
Tobias Cohen Jehoram - De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, The
Chair of the MARQUES Dispute Resolution Team
10.30 hrs
Markus Frick, Walder Wyss Ltd., Switzerland
Member of the MARQUES Dispute Resolution Team
Part 1:
Fundamentals of arbitration and trademark disputes
Thomas Legler, Pestalozzi, Switzerland
to what extent are trademarks
subject to arbitration
which countries allow
trademark cancellations erga omnes by arbitral tribunals (US,
Switzerland, Belgium, etc.)
drafting arbitration clauses
in trademark license and co-existence agreements; which rules
are best suited for trademark disputes
selecting an arbitrator
what to expect from
11.05 hrs
Part 2:
Practical report on WIPO trademark/IP arbitrations
Leandro Toscano, WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, Switzerland
report on WIPO trademark
related arbitrations
brief overview of WIPO
arbitration rules
costs of arbitration
which arbitration places and
laws are most often involved in trademark related arbitrations?
11.45 hrs
Coffee break
12.00 hrs
Part 3:
The legal representative's perspective
Alastair McCulloch, Jones Day, United Kingdom
war stories, how was the arbitration process
pros and cons of arbitration vs. state court litigation
interplay between arbitration and state court litigation, preliminary injunctions
costs and durations
12.35 hrs
Short round table discussion moderated by Markus Frick
Thomas Legler, Pestalozzi, Switzerland
Leandro Toscano, WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, Switzerland
Alastair McCulloch, Jones Day, United Kingdom
13.00 hrs
14.00 hrs
Jeremy Blum, Bristows LLP, United Kingdom
Member of the MARQUES Dispute Resolution Team
Part 4:
The legal representative's perspective
Anna Carboni, Redd Solicitors, United Kingdom
what is a mediation and an outline of the process
assessing if mediation is in the interest of the client- the types of trade mark disputes which are suitable
selecting the mediator
conducting a mediation
win/win or walk away: is compromise the only way to mediate
14.35 hrs
Part 5:
The mediator's perspective
Michael Silverleaf QC, Barrister, 11 South Square, United Kingdom
role of the mediator
what is the mediator trying to achieve and how he goes about that
structure of the mediation and timings
the mediator's view of the role of the lawyers in this process, what are the do's and don'ts
15.10 hrs
Tea break
15.30 hrs
Part 6:
Mediating trade marks in the USA
Chris Woods, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP, USA
the mediation process in the US
assessing if mediation is in the interest of the client - the
types of trade mark disputes which are suitable
selecting the mediator
conducting a US mediation
recent developments
16.15 hrs
Part 7:
Mediating at EUIPO
Alexandra Crawcour, EUIPO speaker (TBC)
summary of the EUIPO process and when it is applicable
guidelines for parties
EUIPO’s approach at the mediation
16.45 hrs
Short round table discussion moderated by Jeremy Blum
Anna Carboni, Redd Solicitors, United Kingdom
Michael Silverleaf QC, Barrister, United Kingdom
Chris Woods, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP, USA
EUIPO speaker (TBC)