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MONDAY, 11 JULY 2022
Consultation on revised framework for compulsory licensing

Class 99 readers may be interested in the European Commission public consultation on the revised framework for the compulsory licensing of patents.

The consultation runs from 7 July to 29 September 2022 and more information is available on the EC website here. You can also sign up to receive updates by email.

The Commission states:

EU countries currently regulate and implement the framework for compulsory licensing of patents in the EU using different, fragmented procedures. This means it is not efficient enough to tackle EU-wide crises.

Also, the efficiency of the current EU procedure on compulsory licensing of patents for export to countries with public health problems (Regulation 816/2006) should be examined.

This initiative aims to revise the framework so it is adequately prepared & coordinated to tackle future crises.

The call for evidence closed on 29 April and feedback was received from 57 organisations. These are published on the website.

In the public consultation, views will be taken into account as the initiative is developed and fine-tuned. The Commission will summarise the input received in a synopsis report. Adoption is expected in the first quarter of 2023.

Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 15.52
Tags: patent, licensing, European Commission,
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