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UK IPO creates re-registered designs for International (EU) designs

The UK Intellectual Property Office has created a re-registered UK design for every International design (EU) registered before 1 January 2021. The new rights are necessary following the end of the Brexit transition period on 31 December 2020.

The re-registered designs are now displayed and available to view or search on the UK register.

Designs which were protected in the UK by an international design designating the EU will continue to be protected in the UK by the re-registered UK design.

The re-registered UK right has effect from 1 January.

Where an international design designating the EU was applied for before 1 January 2021, but is not yet protected or where the publication has been deferred, the holder will have a period of nine months to apply for the same right as a UK design.

UK application fees will be payable, and the application will be subject to UK examination requirements.

More information on renewals, opt out process and numbering can be found in the IPO business guidance.


Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 14.36
Tags: Brexit, international designs, EU,
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