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Roving Webinar on WIPO Services and Initiatives
WIPO is hosting its first Roving Webinar on 26 May at 5pm (CEST). The Organization says this new webinar is for anyone looking to protect IP rights abroad or to keep up with new developments in global IP services.
Specifically, the webinar will offer practical knowledge of WIPO services, including how to:
- protect your inventions internationally with the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT);
- protect your brands internationally with the Madrid System;
- protect your designs internationally with the Hague System;
- protect your geographical indications internationally with the Lisbon System;
- resolve disputes outside of national courts with WIPO Alternative Dispute Resolution: mediation, arbitration, and domain names;
- use WIPO's global databases for IP platforms and tools for the connected knowledge economy;
- access services via the WIPO IP Portal: One-stop shop to WIPO’s online IP services.
The webinar will enable you to get answers to specific questions during the Q&A section. It is aimed at researchers, company representatives, lawyers, innovators, technology transfer officers, representatives from universities and other IP specialists and practitioners.
The webinar will be held in English, future webinars in this series may be in other languages. For more information and to register visit the Roving Webinar on WIPO Services and Initiatives page on the WIPO website.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 14.02Tags: WIPO, webinar, Hague System,