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The blog for design law, in Europe and worldwide. This weblog is written by a team of design experts and fans. To contribute, or join us, or for any other reason, email class99@marques.org.

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Who we all are...
Blog Administrator
David Musker
Henning Hartwig
Hidde Koenraad
Krystian Maciaszek
Peter Gustav Olson
Would you like to join the Class 99 blogging team?
Could you write about design cases such as Trunki?

Are you passionate about design rights? Do you have useful insights to offer on case law, legislative changes and other developments? Do you like to debate topical IP issues with like-minded colleagues?

If so, you might like to join the Class 99 blogging team. Our bloggers post updates on national, EU and international matters that are relevant to design law, and we are looking to expand the team.

The Class 99 blog is available on the MARQUES website and is also distributed by email to nearly 3,500 readers. It is an invaluable resource on design law for many practitioners around the world.

If you would like to find out more about becoming either a regular or guest blogger, please contact the blog administrator James Nurton by email or speak to him at the Annual Conference in Paris. You can also find out more about blogging at the MARQUES information desk at the Annual Conference.

No previous experience of blogging or web posting is necessary to become a blogger and assistance can be provided with aspects such as adding pictures, editing and hyperlinking. The most important qualifications are enthusiasm, curiosity and fair-mindedness!

Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 17.43
Tags: Class 99, Annual Conference, Paris,
Perm-A-Link: https://www.marques.org/blogs/class99?XID=BHA854

MARQUES does not guarantee the accuracy of the information in this blog. The views are those of the individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of MARQUES. Seek professional advice before action on any information included here.

The Class 99 Archive








+44 (0)116 2747355

9 Cartwright Court, Cartwright Way
Bardon, Leicestershire
LE67 1UE


Ingrid de Groot
Internal Relations Officer
Alessandra Romeo
External Relations Officer
James Nurton
Newsletter Editor
Robert Harrison

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