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Mastering The Hague Agreement in London

The next MARQUES/WIPO seminar on Mastering The Hague Agreement will take place in London on Monday 18 June. That is just five days after the Hague Agreement comes into effect for the UK so it will be a very timely event for design law practitioners!

Like the previous events in this series organised by the Designs Team, the seminar will focus on how to use the Hague Agreement to obtain design protection and in particular the different substantive requirements in examining jurisdictions - notably Japan, the Republic of Korea and the United States.

The programme will start at 15.30 and last until 18.00 when there will be a reception and drinks.

Speakers will include John Coldham of Gowling WLG, Gregoire Bisson of WIPO and Victor Caddy of Wynne-Jones IP.

The seminar will take place at Gowling WLG’s London office at 4 More London Riverside and registration is £100 (MARQUES members) or £125 (non-members).

For more information, see the overview, full programme, registration fees and online registration.

For more details about UK ratification of the Hague Agreement, see this post on Class 99.

Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 15.51
Tags: Hague Agreement, WIPO, Gregoire Bisson,
Perm-A-Link: https://www.marques.org/blogs/class99?XID=BHA836

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