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FRIDAY, 10 MAY 2013
The UK Intellectual Property Bill 2013 is here!
Well, following the announcement in the Queen's Speech, the text of the IP Bill is now available on a progress page here, in html and pdf formats.  Our comments on the preceding consultation are available here

The next stage is the second reading in the House of Lords - the general debate on all aspects of the Bill - on 22 May.

An innovation is the introduction of a duty on Government to make regular reports on whether, and to what extent, IP has helped foster economic growth.  That may require some very creative accounting.  We wonder why shouldn't the same apply to all legislation, not just IP?

The Bill covers patents and designs in equal measure, and adds a dash of copyright.  The patent side implements the Unitary Patent, together with some minor bits and pieces. On the design side, it does what was promised, in:
  • Providing a criminal offence;
  • Allowing future Hague accession;
  • Making ownership consistent with Community Designs by removing "commissioning";
  • Introducing an Opinion Service like that for patents;
  • Introducing a prior use defence;
  • Broadening UK Unregistered Design Right qualification criteria.
Primary IP legislation is a very rare beast in the UK these days, so this is quite a big deal.  If any readers have UK IP issues that need tidying, this is the moment to get lobbying.
Posted by: David Musker @ 13.13
Tags: criminal, criminalisation of design infringement, design, legislation, patent, uk,
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