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Hague clears hurdles in US
Our thanks to US design and copyright practitioner Garfield Goodrum for this hot-off-the-press update:
" ... the U.S. House this morning passed Hague in the form of S. 3486, the Patent Law Treaties Implementation Act of 2012, passed the House by voice vote under suspension of the rules. It now goes to the White House for signature, and then the US PTO will work on rule-making and actual implementation."
Sounds close to implementation. We will keep you posted. Posted by: David Musker @ 16.23
Tags: america, hague, Hague accessions, hague agreement, international designs, USA,
Hague clears hurdles in US
Our thanks to US design and copyright practitioner Garfield Goodrum for this hot-off-the-press update:
" ... the U.S. House this morning passed Hague in the form of S. 3486, the Patent Law Treaties Implementation Act of 2012, passed the House by voice vote under suspension of the rules. It now goes to the White House for signature, and then the US PTO will work on rule-making and actual implementation."
Sounds close to implementation. We will keep you posted. Posted by: David Musker @ 16.23
Tags: america, hague, Hague accessions, hague agreement, international designs, USA,
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