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Teaching consumers to spot fakes: are blogs of use?
PRNewswire reports on the steps which US corporation Vapur is taking to protect its Anti-Bottle against counterfeit products.  The Ant-Bottle is a cleverly thought-out product: it is foldable, flexible, reusable and environmentally friendly, which is as good a reason as any for competitors to want to make it as well.

The object of Vapur's ire is Reshine Promotions, against which Vapur has commenced proceedings before the US District Court in the Central District of California, seeking damages and injunctive relief for federal trade mark counterfeiting, federal trade mark infringement, federal design patent infringement, federal unfair competition and California unfair competition.

Brent Reinke, Vapur's co-founder, says: "Our intention with this lawsuit is to protect our loyal and new customers by taking a stand against cheap imitations. We intend to vigorously protect the Vapur brand against parties who infringe on our intellectual property rights".  The counterfeits allegedly originate in China.

Consumers who wish to learn more about how to identify a counterfeit Vapur Anti-Bottle can do so by visiting the company's blog here.  The blog gives specific details and also serves something of an advertising function by stressing the superior quality of the original.

This Class 99 author wonders whether other manufacturers have turned to the blogosphere in order to help to preserve their goodwill and instruct consumers regarding their products -- and also what sort of evidential weight, if any, would European design law give to the content of a design owner's weblog when seeking to ascertain the overall impression of the informed user.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 21.29
Tags: United States, use of blogs,
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