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Extending a Hague application to Korea? Then read on ...

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has issued this notice today.

Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs Designation of the Republic of Korea in an international application: priority claim under Article 4 of the Paris Convention 
1. The Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) has indicated in a letter of November 7, 2015, addressed to the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization, that where an international application designating the Republic of Korea contains a priority claim, the priority document may be submitted to KIPO, through the International Bureau, by using the section for the declaration claiming the exception to lack of novelty in the E-filing interface, under the tab “More optional contents”, or by using Annex II to form DM/1 (Application for International Registration).
2. Where the priority document is not submitted as prescribed under the previous paragraph, it may be submitted directly to KIPO. In such a case, the priority document must be submitted to KIPO within three months from the date of publication of the international registration in the International Designs Bulletin. If the holder resides outside the country, it must be submitted through a local representative. The priority claim will be disregarded by KIPO if the priority document is not submitted within this period.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 21.56
Tags: Hague System., Korea,
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