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Design image preparation
Readers who file design applications may find much of value in this MSc dissertation by Irmak Yalçiner, of Yalciner Consulting, accurately though not snappily entitled Visual Representation in Industrial Design Registration: A Proposed Guideline for Turkey Based on Legal Texts and Guidelines from Eight Different Jurisdictions, and Interviews with Turkish Patent Examiners, and in excellent English.  The eight concerned include the US, Canada, OHIM, WIPO, Korea and the UK.  Let's hope that the Turkish Patent Institute picks up her suggestions.

Here are some of the references she lists:

  1. Canadian Industrial Design Office Practices (Annex B has helpful example drawings).
  2. Australian Designs Application Process (this Guide is perhaps more useful)
  3. Old UK IPO example drawings, and more recent ones (of which I am proud to say that two of the three were filed by Jenkins), and Guide
  4. KIPO overview of the Korean Design System, and Application Procedure page
  5. Turkish Industrial Design Guide
  6. US PTO Design Patent Application Guide (very useful)
  7. WIPO's Hague Agreement Guide
I would add to these a link to OHIM's new Manual on design examination practice, a "live" document which is much more detailed than the Guidelines, and contains many example pictures.  Finally, the JPO, bless them, has a set of subtitled videos on design protection here - worth watching with your design law buddies over pizza and beer.
Posted by: David Musker @ 12.30
Tags: australia, Canada, drawings, hague, Korea, symbols, turkey, uk,
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