Now in its twelfth year, Class 46 is dedicated to European trade mark law and practice. This weblog is written by a team of enthusiasts who want to spread the word and share their thoughts with others.
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Poland: confusion around ARENDA
The Polish company Arenda Biuro Obrotu Nieruchomosci from Warsaw filed before the Polish Patent Office a request for invalidation of the right of protection of the ARENDA WOJCIECHOWSCY trade mark (R-178655), which was registered in classes 35, 36, 37 and 42. The company from Warsaw claimed that there was a risk of confusion between the ARENDA WOJCIECHOWSCY trade mark and the ARENDA trade mark (R-94766) which was applied for with an earlier priority on 3 November 1994 and registered on 27 March 1997 for services in class 36 for real estate agency and brokerage.

ARENDA S.C. from Czestochowa argued that claims based on article 132(2)(ii) of the Polish law,
Posted by: Tomasz Rychlicki @ 09.34
Tags: likelihood of confusion, Poland, Polish Patent Office, Polish trade marks,
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Poland: confusion around ARENDA
ARENDA S.C. from Czestochowa argued that claims based on article 132(2)(ii) of the Polish law,
were unfounded because an assessment of the overall impression excludes the risk of confusion as regards the disputed trade marks. The company argued that both signs have different graphics, which clearly distinguishes them. Another argument was that the PPO had already registered six different trade marks with the ARENDA element. Despite the fact that, in the Polish language, "arenda" formely meant "lease" or "tenancy", the PPO had invalidated the right of protection for a trade mark in part - in class 36 in its decision of 27 October 2008 act signature Sp. 487/07.
2. A right of protection for a trade mark shall not be granted, if the trade mark:
(ii) is identical or similar to a trade mark for which a right of protection was granted or which has been applied for protection with an earlier priority date (provided that the latter is subsequently granted a right of protection) on behalf of another party for identical or similar goods, if a risk of misleading the public exists, in particular by evoking association with the earlier mark,
Tags: likelihood of confusion, Poland, Polish Patent Office, Polish trade marks,

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