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Wow it's sticky: it's MTV's Sticky Brand Award 2008
Tags: sticky trade marks,
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Wow it's sticky: it's MTV's Sticky Brand Award 2008
Apple won the first year MTV Sticky Brand Award in the Netherlands (more here?), a new price for the coolest brand, to be elected by youngsters. Youngsters are in a lot of cases a sort of Columbus for new brands and have revolution on their side. That's why MTV decided it was time for a new Award and young voters. 500 votes from youth between 13 and 25 were registered with regard to trade marks in 15 different branches: mobil phones, electronics, non-alcholic beverages, cosmetics, fastfood chains, snacks, sneakers, fashion, jeans, banks, insurers, gaming, deodarants, car trade marks and tour operators. From the number ones in these branches they elected Apple as overall prize winner. The second prize did go to sneaker trade mark Converse, while Wii won the third prize.
Posted by: Gino Van Roeyen @ 14.09Tags: sticky trade marks,

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