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Poland: Marqa 2008
For the fourth time, the Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita provided a ranking of the most valuable Polish brands. MARQUA is the only one rating of brands available in Poland. Rzeczpospolita's research is based on financial data and it is combined with a very detailed survey among consumers. There have been taken into account more than 400 brands in this year's edition. 70 percent of those brands had recorded an increase in their value. Anita Blaszczak and Lukasz Deca have well-chosen article's title about this ranking -
"Valuable brand: there is no better insurance policy for economic depression". As the authors note some of the big Polish brands were awarded for the last time. Such situation may happen to Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa company (GSM operator) who owns ERA brand which was awarded the sixth place in value. ERA brand probably disappears from the Polish market in next year and it will be replaced with international brand - T-Mobile.
Tags: brands, Poland, Polish trade marks,
