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Finland: Changes to trade mark fees
On its website the National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland reports of changes to its fees in trade mark and design right matters as of 1 January 2009.
For more information on the new fee structure, please click here"The fees for trade mark and design right matters have been adjusted through the Decree of the Ministry of Labour and the Economy (27.11.2008/744) and they enter into force as from 1 January 2009. The price lists have been restructured in some respects. Firstly, the reduction by 50% allowed for transfer or amendment entries in connection with the renewal of registration is no longer available. Secondly, a charge will be collected for oppositions to trade mark registrations. However, the charge will only be applicable to oppositions whose filing period starts on 1 January 2009 or thereafter. Oppositions in design matters remain for the time being free of charge."
Tags: finland, finland trade marks, official fees,
