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Talking MARQUES on the EUIPO Observatory
The latest episode of the Talking MARQUES podcast focuses on the work of the European Observatory on infringements of Intellectual Property Rights.
The podcast features Alexandra Poch, Deputy Director of the Observatory, as well as Sonia Santos and Maria Cecilia Romoleroux, who are both members of the MARQUES Anti-Counterfeiting and Parallel Trade Team and have been closely involved in the work of the Observatory.
In the podcast, Alexandra describes the role of the Observatory and its current priorities and challenges. She also talks about how the Observatory interacts with stakeholders including brand owners to address enforcement issues.
Maria Cecilia and Sonia discuss the role that IP practitioners and particularly associations such as MARQUES can play in the work of the Observatory including setting priorities and developing research.
The podcast is recommended for anyone who is involved in IP enforcement, awareness raising and policy development.
Thanks to MARQUES External Relations Officer Alessandra Romeo and the team at the Observatory for their help in putting together this episode of the podcast.
You can find this and all previous episodes of Talking MARQUES on the MARQUES website here and on Spotify.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 16.14Tags: EUIPO, Observaotry, Alexandra Poch,
