Now in its twelfth year, Class 46 is dedicated to European trade mark law and practice. This weblog is written by a team of enthusiasts who want to spread the word and share their thoughts with others.
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Webinar: give your specification a makeover
Have you registered for the next MARQUES webinar yet?
It will be on Monday 14 February and will cover how to give your specification(s) a makeover having regard to bad faith principles and practices which exist in the European Union, United States and China.
The webinar is recommended for anyone who is responsible for filing and managing trade mark applications, particularly internationally.
Titled “Sweet Valentine”, the webinar is organised by the MARQUES Education Team and will take place from 13.00 to 14.30 CET.
It will provide guidance to trade mark applicants on pitfalls to be avoided when drafting specifications.
The moderator is Shane Smyth, FR Kelly, Ireland (Member of MARQUES Council) and the speakers are: Guido Donath, Donath-Law, Austria; Michael Grow, Arent Fox LLP, USA; and Zhigang Zhu, Wanhuida Intellectual Property, China.
Registration can be made online and costs €100 (MARQUES members) or €135 (non-members).
MARQUES looks forward to welcoming many Class 46 to join the webinar!
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 13.48Tags: specification, webinar, Valentine,
