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Madrid System online services disrupted from 9 to 11 July 2021
WIPO has shared the following information:
Due to scheduled maintenance on our internal system, Madrid System online services will be unavailable from Friday, July 9 to Sunday, July 11. Friday, July 9 will be a non-working day for the Madrid System.
The following services will not be accessible during this time: Subsequent designation; Limitation; Renewal; and Management of Representative.
Request submissions for these services should be planned ahead of time. Alternatively, official forms can be submitted to your Office of Origin or to WIPO through Contact Madrid.
In addition, Madrid Monitor, Madrid Portfolio Manager and the Madrid Office Portal will be partially disrupted. Other Madrid Monitor functionalities and online tools will remain available.
Find out more on WIPO’s website here.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 15.06Tags: Madrid System, WIPO, Madrid Monitor,
