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Greece stays out of fearful US 301 list for 2nd year... and perhaps for good?
The steady progress of Greece on the protection of intellectual property rights appears to have kept its momentum. This blogger admits to complaining about the need for continuous progress of IP rights protection in Greece and about his dismay for certain deficits in Greece’s IP rights enforcement arsenal.
However, he is happy to report that Greece seems to be staying away for good from the notorious US “301 list” or “Special 301 Report”. Readers of this blog will know that the 301 list is prepared annually (by 30 April) by the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) and identifies countries which do not provide "adequate and effective" protection of intellectual property rights.
In 2020, after a good number of years in the list, Greece was removed “in light of its steps to address the widespread use of unlicensed software in the public sector through the allocation of significant funds to purchase software licenses, progress in online enforcement, and the introduction of legislation to impose fines on those possessing counterfeit products, with the understanding that the United States will continue to monitor its enforcement efforts”.
2021 sees Greece off the list again and is good news. Let’s hope the Greek authorities will not rest on their (very recent) laurels and put more effort in addressing counterfeits trade in the country.
Posted by: Nikos Prentoulis @ 10.34Tags: Greece, USA, 301 report,
