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Collective and certification marks to be discussed in WIPO webinar
Taita Basket - photo by WIPO/Shingo Tsuda

The first session in a new webinar series of “How to Protect and Promote Your Culture” will take place on Wednesday 24 March from 3.00 pm to 4.15 pm (CET).

It will cover “Collective Marks and Certification Marks”.

There will be presentations by Ms Dorcas Gombe Mwambeta, Taita Basket Association, Kenya and Ms Christina Haetta, Head, Cultural Unit, Saami Council, Norway, about the Taita Basket collective mark and the Sámi Duodji certification mark respectively, followed by a talk by Mr Jacob Adams, IP law practitioner in the United States, titled “How can Collective Marks and Certification Marks be useful for IPLCs?”

The webinar series is inspired by the WIPO Traditional Knowledge Division’s publication Protect and Promote Your Culture – A Practical Guide to Intellectual Property for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.

It is aimed at indigenous peoples and local communities and will cover the main IP tools that can be useful to them.You can register for the webinar on WIPO’s website here. View the full programme here.

Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 10.24
Tags: collective marks, certification marks, WIPO, Taita Basket,
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