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WIPO webinar on e-commerce and IP for indigenous peoples

Readers may be interested in a webinar being hosted by WIPO on 11 September at from 3pm until 4.30pm CEST. The topic is: E-commerce and intellectual property for indigenous peoples and local community entrepreneurs.

The introduction states:

With the exceptional circumstances brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, Indigenous Peoples and Local Community (IPLC) entrepreneurs, who usually sell traditional knowledge-based goods and services in physical stores, markets and festivals, are increasingly turning to electronic commerce (e-commerce) and social media to maintain and expand their businesses. IPLC entrepreneurs now face additional challenges related to protecting works, ideas and images and distinguishing their goods and services in a digital environment.

This webinar will identify the main intellectual property (IP) challenges that IPLC entrepreneurs face in the context of e-commerce and social media, and provide information about the IP tools and options available to overcome these challenges. A panel of e-commerce experts and IPLC entrepreneurs will share their experiences and answer questions on how to protect traditional knowledge-based goods and services in a digital environment.

The speakers are:

  • Mr. Juan Hoyos, Adviser, Sustainable and Inclusive Value Chains, Division of Enterprises and Institutions, International Trade Centre, Geneva
  • Ms. Lucille Anak Awen Jon, Jewelry Designer, Bidayuh Community, Malaysia
  • Ms. Solveig Ballo, Manager, Sàmi Business Garden, Norway
  • Mr. Gabriele Gagliani, Lecturer, Bocconi University, Milan, and Adjunct Professor, Case Western Reserve University, United States of America
  • Ms. Rebecka Forsgren, WIPO Indigenous Fellow, Traditional Knowledge Division, Global Issues Sector, WIPO (moderator)

You can register for the webinar on the dedicated page on WIPO’s website.

This topic is one that the MARQUES IP Emerging Issues Team focuses on. Find out more about their work here (MARQUES log-in required to download articles).

Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 10.36
Tags: WIPO, webinar, indigenous peoples, e-commerce,
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