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WIPO webinar on Madrid System Regulations
WIPO is hosting a webinar titled “Starting 2020 off right: Understanding the new Madrid System Regulations updates” on Wednesday 29 January from 3.00pm to 4.00pm GMT.
WIPO states:
On February 1, 2020, some changes in the Common Regulation under the Madrid System will enter into force.
In this webinar, we will update you on:
- The renaming of the Common Regulations to the Regulations under the Protocol
- Amendments to Rule 30 of the Regulations under the Protocol simplifying renewals.
You will be able to ask our Madrid Registry experts all your questions during the live Q&A session after the presentation.
This webinar is intended for users of the Madrid System and IP professionals who wish to learn about the changes in the regulations under the Madrid Protocol and the simplified renewal of international registrations.
It will be held in English and presented by Lucía J. Yanguas, Information and Promotion Division together with Lucy Headington-Horton, Senior Legal Officer, Legal Division – Madrid Registry, Brands and Designs Sector.
MARQUES encourages those interested in these changes to register for the webinar here.
A summary of the changes was posted on Class 46 on 17 January. The next issue of the HouseMARQUES newsletter will include further analysis of the changes. Members should receive this by email later this week. To ensure you receive MARQUES mailings, log in to your account on the MARQUES website.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 17.14Tags: WIPO, Madrid System, Protocol, Regulations,
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