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New publication on intermediary liability
The Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights has published a new report, IPR Enforcement Case-Law Collection - The liability and obligations of intermediary service providers in the European Union. It is available to read and download here (PDF).
The Observatory states: “The collection focuses on the liability and obligations of intermediary service providers in the European Union, and gives an overview of relevant decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union as well as of national courts in 14 selected EU Member States.”
It covers decisions from 2016 to 2019.
In the foreword, EUIPO Executive Director Christian Archambeau writes:
The EUIPO’s collaboration with intermediaries in addressing IP rights infringements has been intensified and this is one of the growing areas of work of the Observatory. An expert group on cooperation with intermediaries has been set up and the Office plans to work more closely with ecommerce platforms.
By bringing together these case-law decisions in a single report, the EUIPO hopes to make them more accessible and cast further light on the rights and obligations of the intermediaries that are increasingly being used by European consumers and businesses of all sizes.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 15.14Tags: Observatory, liability, EUIPO,
