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World IP Day – “Reach for Gold: IP and Sports”

Yesterday (26 April) was World IP Day 2019 and this year’s theme was how innovation, creativity and the IP rights that encourage and protect them support the development and enjoyment of sports

To mark the occasion, WIPO published a list of the top PCT sport-related applications (2014-18), which was headed by Nike. It has also published a guide called ‘IP and Sports: Tracing the Connections’.

WIPO Director General Francis Gurry also said in a statement:

Trade marks, which underpin sports branding, are an exceptionally important intellectual property right for teams and athletes to differentiate themselves and stand apart in a highly competitive market. Trademark rights are critical in allowing individual players and teams to gain a monetary reward from, for example, merchandising … and sponsorship deals.

He added: “Design … enables teams, organizers of sporting competitions and sports brands to develop and promote their unique and distinct identity and for fans to distinguish between them.”

Find out more about events held to mark World IP Day on the dedicated page on WIPO’s website, view the World IP Day events map and see Francis Gurry’s full message here.

Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 18.25
Tags: World IP Day, WIPO, Reach for Gold, Francis Gurry, Nike,
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