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Google abandons "Gmail" in Germany
Posted by: Birgit Clark @ 18.54
Tags: Germany, Gmail, Google,
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Google abandons "Gmail" in Germany
In 2007 the German Higher Regional Court of Hamburg (Oberlandesgericht Hamburg, case ref.: 5 U 87/06 of 04 July 2007) decided that German businessman Daniel Giersch, the owner of German trade mark registration 30025697 "G-Mail ...und die Post geht richtig ab" owned the rights to the mark "Gmail" in Germany . This decision banned Google from using the "Gmail" mark for its e-mail services in Germany.
The ramifications from the decision have now taken effect late last week, according to a report by German newssite, when Gmail users, who were trying to log on to their email accounts in Germany, were greeted with a message in which Google explains that it can no longer provide access to their email accounts when accessed from Germany. According to the report Google further asked its users to access their account by copy pasting the URL into their browsers when travelling to Germany as, according to, Google is also not allowed to hyperlink its URL.
Tags: Germany, Gmail, Google,

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