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EUIPO and the new fees structure
Tags: EUIPO, OHIM, fees,
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EUIPO and the new fees structure
Members of MARQUES, as well as regular readers of this blog are surely well prepared for the transition to EUIPO. Just to be on the safe side however, here's a link to the new fee structure of the Office and below the basic, handy, tables comparing the old and new fee structure.
Application fees (e-filing)
CTM (old) | Fee | EUTM (new) | Fee |
First class | €900 covers up to three classes | First class | €850 |
Second class | Second class | €50 | |
Third class | Third class | €150 | |
Fourth and all subsequent classes | €150 | Fourth and all subsequent classes | €150 |
Renewal fees (e-filing)
CTM (old) | Fee | EUTM (new) | Fee |
First class | €1 350 covers up to three classes | First class | €850 |
Second class | Second class | €50 | |
Third class | Third class | €150 | |
Fourth and all subsequent classes | €400 | Fourth and all subsequent classes | €150 |
Litigation fees
EU TM | old system | new system |
Opposition | €350 | €320 |
Cancellation | €700 | €630 |
Appeal | €800 | €720 |
Overall, renewals, as well as official fees for litigation before the EUIPO are decreased and the new fee structure is slightly better for single class applications.
Posted by: Nikos Prentoulis @ 09.23Tags: EUIPO, OHIM, fees,

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