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Now in its twelfth year, Class 46 is dedicated to European trade mark law and practice. This weblog is written by a team of enthusiasts who want to spread the word and share their thoughts with others.

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Birgit Clark
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EU Observatory launches new Third Country survey

We have heard from our good friends in the European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights that they are launching a second survey of EU entities with an interest in the protection and enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in third countries. This work is being executed on behalf of the EU Commission (DG Trade), which ran similar surveys in the past, most recently in 2014.

According to the Observatory:

The purpose of the survey is to gather information, from those involved and interested [so if you are involved but not interested, or interested but not involved, you are not among the sought-after respondents], in order to build up a picture of the reality of IPR protection and enforcement in various third countries. This information will be collated by the Observatory and transmitted to DG Trade.

DG Trade will then be in a position to use the information, together with what it has gathered from other sources, in compiling analyses of the situation in the various third countries. It will put this information to use in compiling its own reports on the general IPR enforcement scene in third countries, the situation in individual countries and provide assistance in preparation for negotiation and discussion with these countries.

You can see how the 2014 survey was used by clicking here.

The survey will be one of the tools used to help improve the IPR enforcement scene in third countries. It is thus important to all EU entities with an interest in this subject.

You are encouraged to complete this online survey in respect of each country where you have an interest and knowledge. It is available from 14 March to 31 May 2016 and hyou can access it by clicking here.

The survey can only be completed online. The format and content of the survey has been shortened and simplified. There are fewer questions but more opportunity to provide written comments.

Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 01.33
Tags: Observatory, survey,
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