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Toys and games: Observatory reports on the cost of infringement
Returning to the cost of IP infringement, at 10.30 am CET (that's 9.30 am GMT) the European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property published its fourth sectoral report on the economic cost of IPR infringement, covering the toys and games sector. As the Observatory explains:
In line with its mandate, the Observatory has started to evaluate the negative impact of counterfeiting and its consequences for legitimate businesses, governments and consumers, and ultimately society as a whole. Results of this study, to be followed by some other sectorial studies, pave the way towards quantification of the scope, scale and impact of IPR infringements in the European Union.
The link to the study should now be available on the Observatory website here, where you should also be able to find press releases translated into a variety of European tongues.
If you have an OHIM account you will find the reports in English, French, Italian, Spanish and German in the Restricted Access Area.
Tags: toys and games, sectoral report, Observatory,
