Now in its twelfth year, Class 46 is dedicated to European trade mark law and practice. This weblog is written by a team of enthusiasts who want to spread the word and share their thoughts with others.
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The new EU trade mark package: a chance to air your thoughts and ideas
Last night's Clas 46 blogpost briefly announced that the "trilogue" of major European Union institutions -- the Council, the Commission and the Parliament -- had reached agreement on the direction of the next round of EU trade mark law reforms. Despite this agreement, there is still some way to go before the law changes, since there remains the leap from policy to practice, a leap which must be made through attention to legislative detail and a large amount of careful draftsmanship.
The voice of MARQUES has been heard throughout the reform process, since the organisation has taken an active part in the consultations and discussions that have helped shape the current package of legislative reform.
The MARQUES LinkedIn Discussion Group has just opened a discussion in which members are invited to make their comments on the current state of play and to identify any fresh issues, or new dimensions to old issues, about which we should be thinking when we look at the process of implementing the newly-agreed package. Please feel welcome to contribute to it!
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 18.48Tags: trilogue, EU trade mark reform,
