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MARQUES Customs Enforcement Survey: still time to participate!

Back on 10 February, Class 46 posted this item about a MARQUES survey on Customs Enforcement, driven by MARQUES's Anti-Counterfeiting and Parallel Trade (ACPT) Team. That post added:

The ACPT Team wants to hear both from corporate members with experience of Customs and from professional advisers who regularly deal with Customs on behalf of their clients. The survey results may well be used to inform discussion on the implementation of the Regulation at the MARQUES 2015 Annual Conference in Vienna this coming September and to provide feedback to the European Commission and the Customs authorities.

While initially the survey was held open till 27 February, a recent MARQUES circular indicates that the survey is still open for the receipt of responses. So if you haven't already given the benefit of your experience and opinion, do please take this precious opportunity!

You can access the survey here.

Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 00.40
Tags: EU Customs Enforcement, survey,
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