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Scottish referendum and its implications for trade marks and domains...
The day of the Scottish referendum, reason enough to have a quick look at what some commentators believe to be the possible implactions on trade marks and domain names should Scotland indeed vote "yes"....
While the website Domain Incite believes that a "Yes" vote would be good for the .scot domain, Chris McLeod, president of the UK Institue of Trade Mark Attorneys, points out that “the Scottish government would need to establish its own laws to prevent infringement. Otherwise we could find ourselves unwittingly wearing Paris Tweed and drinking Famous Mouse.” Finally, UK trade mark attorney Aaron Wood considers Scotland's role within the EU and the implications for the CTM regime. He is cited by the Independent as follows: "If Scotland ends up not staying in the EU it would mean European trademark protection would not be in place either."
Posted by: Birgit Clark @ 11.25
Tags: scotland,
