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Now in its twelfth year, Class 46 is dedicated to European trade mark law and practice. This weblog is written by a team of enthusiasts who want to spread the word and share their thoughts with others.

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Top ten trade mark representatives in Switzerland, by number of new national applications

The table above shows the ten trade mark representatives that filed the most applications in 2013 in Switzerland, and the percentage change in new applications filed from 2012 to 2013 (last column). The total number of new national applications stayed roughly the same from 2012 to 2013 (it is difficult to get exact data on this, because the period of reporting by the Swiss IPO goes from July to July and does not coincide with the calendar year).

As can be seen from the table, Baker & McKenzie, Bugnion S.A., Weinmann Zimmerli and Meisser Partners had excellent years. In fact, their gains are so large that one suspects that there must also be losers. If you want to see who that could be, check last year's post here.

As always, this ranking is based on quantity alone. Quantity does not mean quality. Draw your own conclusions. If you believe the numbers are wrong, send me an email. 

The data is from Swissreg, advanced search, the name of the firm selected as "representative", appropriate date range, only "new registration" was selected as "reasons for publication", all the options were selected for "status". 

Search carried out on 23 June 2014. If you believe your firm should be featured, please send me an email. 

Disclaimer: I work for a law firm that also prosecutes trade marks. We are not among the top ten filers, so I don't think the fact that I am working for a competitor of the listed firms influenced the results in any way.

Posted by: Mark Schweizer @ 08.55
Tags: Switzerland, representatives,
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