Now in its twelfth year, Class 46 is dedicated to European trade mark law and practice. This weblog is written by a team of enthusiasts who want to spread the word and share their thoughts with others.
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New for old? Dublin to discuss Max Planck proposals
If you are in Dublin this week, why not pop into University College, where MARQUES and Class 46 blog team member Niamh Hall is among the participants in a seminar on the current proposals for reshaping European trade mark law. It takes place this Wednesday, 16 October from 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm in Newman House 86 St Stephen's Green, and will be followed by an appropriate reception. The programme looks like this:
Tags: Dublin, seminar,
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New for old? Dublin to discuss Max Planck proposals
If you are in Dublin this week, why not pop into University College, where MARQUES and Class 46 blog team member Niamh Hall is among the participants in a seminar on the current proposals for reshaping European trade mark law. It takes place this Wednesday, 16 October from 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm in Newman House 86 St Stephen's Green, and will be followed by an appropriate reception. The programme looks like this:
New for old? The Commission Proposal to Recast the Trade Marks Directive
In March 2013 the Commission published its proposal to recast the Trade Marks Directive and CTM Regulation (COM (2013) 161final). This proposal is based on a study by the Max Planck Institute entitled “Overall Functioning of the European Trade Mark System”. Is it old wine in new bottles or a radical departure?
Phillip Johnson (Chair): Associate Professor of Intellectual Property, UCD and Barrister (England and Ireland)
Prof Dr jur Annette Kur: Max Planck IP Institute, Munich and an author of the Trade Mark Study
Niamh Hall: Trade Mark Attorney, FR Kelly and an author of Clark: Intellectual Property in Ireland
1.5 CPD points are available and you can get all the details by clicking here.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 22.39Tags: Dublin, seminar,
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