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DPMA: "Mustard from Duesseldorf"
In the current issue of the German Trade Mark Journal "Markenblatt" the German Patent and Trade Mark Office has published the following applications for a registration of an indication of geographical origin (Council Regulation (EC) No. 510/2006):
Request No. 307 99 006.0 for the protection as an indication of geographical origin for "Düsseldorfer Senf Mittelscharf" (Mustard medium hot from Duesseldorf) and request No. 307 99 007.9 for the protection as an indication of geographical origin for "Düsseldorfer Senf" (Mustard from Duesseldorf). Applicant in both cases is the Schutzgemeinschaft Düsseldorfer Senf (roughly translated as the association for the proctection of mustard from Duesseldorf). Both applications cover mustard (Senfpaste) in class 2.6.
Details of the applications can be retrieved here (in German).
Tags: dpma, geographic indication, German trade marks,
