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Reader's Digest Most Trusted Brands 2012 Survey is out
Posted by: Mark Schweizer @ 15.27
Tags: brands, survey,
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Reader's Digest Most Trusted Brands 2012 Survey is out
Once again, Reader's Digest magazine asked its readers in 15 European countries which brands they trust most in 20 different categories of consumer products. NIVEA remains a top brand, taking the number one position in skin care products in all 15 countries (and number one in another six countries in "hair care" and another four in "cosmetics").
A bit suprising, in my opinion, is that HP is more trusted than APPLE in the computer category in the German speaking countries, and NOKIA remains most trusted brand in mobile communication in 14 countries despite its well-known problems in the smartphone market. May I opine that the readership of Readers Digest may be, well, a bit traditional?
Posted by: Mark Schweizer @ 15.27
Tags: brands, survey,

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