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WTO GI register for wines and spirits : the making-of
On its website, OHIM informs that for the first time in about a 13 - year lasting negotiation, WTO started working on a single draft text for setting up a multilateral geographical indications register for wines and spirits.
The 6 main topics of negotiations are: (1) notification system of the terms; (2) how the registration system would be run and WTO secretariat’s role; (3) whether it should be a voluntary or compulsory participation of members; (4) the commitments or obligations on members arising from a term’s registration; (5) special treatment for developing countries and (6) fees and costs.
The first draft relating to the “notification” topic was completed and circulated on January 13 last and a complete text for the remaining five topics is planned by the end of the March.
You can read an excerpt from the WTO IP negotiators chairperson’s report of January here.
Posted by: Edith Van den Eede @ 15.15Tags: GI, WTO, wines, spirits,
