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FRIDAY, 21 MAY 2010
To name a car - not so easy after all
BBC reports that Renault are facing obstacles with the (not yet final apparently) name of their new all-electric car ZOE. Renault made a name choice which makes branding sense. For a car with (Z)ero (E)missions, the name ZOE (in Greek "life", as rightly pointed out in the piece) seemed like a reasonable place to go if one wants to stir up ecology related emotions. But what happens if there indeed is a person named Zoe Renault? Ms Zoe Renault exists, she is French, and told the newspaper LE PARISIEN that she could not bear the association with the car for the rest of her life, as well as the jokes that will come with it. Her lawyer has already sent Renault a letter complaining about the name choice and it seems that Ms Renault is not the only aggrieved Zoe.

Renault's reaction was careful enough. They are reported to have stated that the choice of women names for cars is far from unusual and that Zoe, the name of the concept car, is not a definite choice. 

This blogger found it very nice & appropriate that the BBC story is signed by Zoe Murphy.



Posted by: Nikos Prentoulis @ 15.37
Tags: renaut, zoe, brands, cars, names,
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