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Spain - the war against piracy rages on: 2008 statistics
According to the Spanish Patents and Trade Marks Office (SPTO) website, during year 2008 the Spanish police (national, regional and local) seized counterfeited goods the face value of which was estimated to be Euro 385 million.
The total number of police actions in 2008 was of of 4,801 (increase of 190% compared with 2007), in which a rough figure of 7,500,000 goods were seized (increase of 277% compared with 2007).
Would counterfeiters accept fake money? If so, this Homer Simpson Euro could do the job ...
Watches and leather goods top the list of the most counterfeited products. Madrid, Andalucía and Valencia are highlighted as hotspots when it comes to piracy. The report also reveals that the internet is replacing the traditional distribution channels (flea markets, street sale or retail shops). The quite detailed report is to be read here (in Spanish).
Tags: Anti-counterfeiting, Spain, statistics.,
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