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Public consultation for a new Domain Name Regulation in Greece
From the Greek newspaper Kathimerini , as well as the website of the Greek National Telecommunications & Post Commission (EETT), the Greek National Regulatory Authority for, among others, Domain Names, come news of a coming new Domain Name Registration Regulation to amend and codify the existing one (which dates back to 2005). In particular, EETT has processed and posted on its web site (in Greek) for public consultation a draft new Domain Name Registration Regulation.
The public consultation procedure has already commenced and will end on July 20, 2009.
Posted by: Nikos Prentoulis @ 14.56
Tags: domain name registration, Domain names, EETT, Greece, national authority, regulation,
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Public consultation for a new Domain Name Regulation in Greece
A key change envisaged in the proposed Regulation is that, following a successful complaint, the relevant party may obtain a decision transferring the disputed domain name to him, as is the case with WIPO. Under the current Regulation, a successful complainant could only go as far as the deletion of the disputed domain name and, following informal arrangements, obtain a new registration for the domain name. This change is certainly welcome. Also, the new Regulation, reflecting EETT case law, identifies as a case of bad faith registration leading to the transfer or deletion of the domain name, the case when the registrant violates earlier industrial property rights of the complainant and has no legitimate interest to the disputed domain name. The effort to align with WIPO practices is quite clear here.
The public consultation procedure has already commenced and will end on July 20, 2009.
Tags: domain name registration, Domain names, EETT, Greece, national authority, regulation,

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