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MONDAY, 4 MAY 2009
Brandz 2009
Tags: brands, survey,
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Brandz 2009
The 2009 edition of the Brandz report was recently released. Through implementation of its own assessment method ("based on the intrinsic value of the brand - derived from its ability to generate demand."), Millward Brown Optimor provides a list of the world's 100 most valuable brands. The Brandz website summarizes the results of this survey by underlining that: "[i]n a year of global financial turmoil, when every key financial indicator plummeted, the value of the top 100 brands increased by 2 percent to $2 trillion."
The report isolate some sectoral or geographic data, such as the above top 10 brand values for "Europe (including UK)".
Listed in last years Class 46 entry regarding the previous millesime of the Brandz ranking, the top 10 European brands of 2008 were:1. Nokia
2. Vodafone
3. BMW
4. Louis Vuitton
5. Tesco
6. Porsche
7. SAP
9. Mercedes
10. L'Oréal
Tags: brands, survey,

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