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SUNDAY, 10 MAY 2009
Kashubian strawberries and other delicacies head for PGI protection
* MARRONI DEL MONFENERA for fresh chestnuts from Italy. According to the application,
Tags: Geographical indications,
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Kashubian strawberries and other delicacies head for PGI protection
Three new applications for geographical indication protection were published last month in the European Union's Official Journal.* TRUSKAWKA KASZUBSKA or KASZËBSKÔ MALËNA for Polish strawberries. According to the application,
"The name ‘truskawka kaszubska’ is most commonly used in commercial transactions involving this product, especially between Kashubians and persons of non-Kashubian origin. This name is used when the product is exported to foreign markets or sold in parts of Poland other than Kashubia. The other name used is ‘kaszëbskô malëna’. This name is most frequently used in common parlance. It comes from the Kashubian language, hence it is most commonly used by the inhabitants of the region i.e. Kashubians. These names may be applied interchangeably.
Historically, it is said that the cultivation of strawberries in Kashubia was introduced in the 1920s and 1930s. The high quality and increasing popularity of the strawberries led to the expansion of strawberry fields over the course of more than half a century, causing them to become an integral part of the Kashubian landscape. In the early 1970s, it was decided that, given the abundance of strawberries, a Strawberry-Picking Festival should be organised. This is an open-air event which takes place every year on the first Sunday in July. The Strawberry-Picking Festival is the biggest event in the region, with visitor numbers in the tens of thousands, increasing every year. The fact that nearly two tonnes of strawberries were sold in a single day in 2005 also bears testimony to the popularity of this festival".
* MARRONI DEL MONFENERA for fresh chestnuts from Italy. According to the application,
"When released for consumption, they must have the following characteristics: Seed: one per fruit, largely smooth or slightly rough; Flesh: light hazel colour tending towards straw* INSALATA DI LUSIA for an Italian lettuce. Says the application,yellow, pasty/floury texture, sweet and pleasant taste; Episperm: hazel colour, fibrous and resistant pellicular structure, penetrating to only a very minor degree into the seed; Pericarp: bright brown colour, with darker vertical streaks, a coriaceous and resistant structure and a tomentose surface with tomentose style remnants; Hilum: largely ovoid shape, lighter in colour than the pericarp, with more or less evident ‘rays’ spreading out from the centre towards the edge, and which does not extend to the sides of the fruit; Fruit: ovoid shape with apex protruding to only a minor extent, with one largely flat side and the other markedly convex; number of fruit per kilogram: 90 or fewer. The husk contains at most three fruit".
"As regards taste, the distinctive characteristic of ‘Insalata di Lusia’ is the perceptible flavour, which makes it unnecessary to dress it with salt. This is the result of the presence of high levels of mineral salts in the soil. Indeed, the soil in the PGI area is made up of a superficial layer of sand brought by numerous floods, caused in pre-Roman periods and in the early Middle Ages by several branches of the Tartaro breaking their banks and, in the medieval and modern eras by the Adige flooding. The last great flood of the Adige occurred at the end of the 1800s and the immense sand dunes formed by this event were levelled out by means of long-term work lasting until 1960. It is on this sand, which has been consolidated by a century of spontaneous vegetation, that ‘Insalata di Lusia’, a lettuce richer than others in potassium and calcium, is planted".Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 17.17
Tags: Geographical indications,

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