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Spain - the "superbrands", revealed.
Tags: Business Superbrands survey, Spain,
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Spain - the "superbrands", revealed.
According to the newspaper Cinco Días, the consultancy company Superbrands has advanced its list of the 350 brands deserving the highest recognition in the Spanish market.
Brands as Adidas, Audi, BMW, Coca-Cola, Danone, El Corte Inglés, Google, Ikea, McDonalds, Mercedes-Benz, Microsoft, Nescafé, Nestlé, Nike, Nokia, Repsol, Sony, Telefónica, YouTube and Zara cope the top positions.
The ranking is elaborated on the basis of a number of statistics, including marketing investments and consumer surveys.
35% of the “Superbrands” belong to Spanish undertakings, while 33% are owned by companies domiciled in other European countries. 25% of the “Superbrands” have American origin, while only 7% come from Asia.
Posted by: Ignacio Marques @ 16.02Brands as Adidas, Audi, BMW, Coca-Cola, Danone, El Corte Inglés, Google, Ikea, McDonalds, Mercedes-Benz, Microsoft, Nescafé, Nestlé, Nike, Nokia, Repsol, Sony, Telefónica, YouTube and Zara cope the top positions.
The ranking is elaborated on the basis of a number of statistics, including marketing investments and consumer surveys.
35% of the “Superbrands” belong to Spanish undertakings, while 33% are owned by companies domiciled in other European countries. 25% of the “Superbrands” have American origin, while only 7% come from Asia.
Tags: Business Superbrands survey, Spain,

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