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Obama trade marks
Our readers will have heard the news concerning a pending Community trade mark application for the mark OBAMA (see here and here). The OHIM's statement in this matter, which refers to a news story by Spanish news agency EFE, is set out below for ease of reference:
"OHIM has received an application on behalf of a Spanish individual for the Community trade mark "OBAMA". The examination formalities have not been completed as we have not yet received the payment of the application fee, so "OBAMA" has not been registered by the Office. If the application passes on examination, it is published in order to allow oppositions to be made during a three month time limit, and it can only be registered if it successfully completes this process.
In general terms, if a trade mark is distinctive and not descriptive for the goods and services applied for, is not deceptive with regards to the origin of the goods and services or contrary to public policy, it will be accepted. To be rejected on public policy grounds, the trade mark would have, for example, to be racist, pornographic or related to terrorism.
While we do not comment on the merits of individual applications, the Office Guidelines on the examination of trade marks specify that "names of individual persons are usually distinctive" and "the same is true for names of prominent persons, including head of states." (page 37) and it adds that they "will no longer be considered as deceptive or contrary to public policy" (page 51)".
A quick check of the German trade mark register reveals that there are currently 8 pending OBAMA trade mark applications in different permutations reflecting Mr. Obama's popularity in Germany: "Obama-Fingers" covering class 29, "Mrs. Obama" and "First Lady Obama" both covering classes 3, 32, 33 are just three examples.
The earliest of these German trade mark applications, German trade mark application No. 302008048873.5 Obama covering class 33, was already filed on 28 July 2008, just days after Mr. Obama's famous "Berlin Speech". The German Patent and Trademark Office does not appear to have published any statements concerning "Obama" trade marks.
No Swiss trade marks appear to have been filed but Class46 has found two French "Obama" marks, one of which -- French trade mark No. 3564226 OBAMA (stylised) covering classes 1, 2, 5, 12, 25, 32, 33 and 34 -- was apparently (and prophetically) already filed on 13 March 2008.
Posted by: Birgit Clark @ 07.10Tags: France, Germany, Obama, OHIM, Spain, Switzerland,
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