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2. An application has been published under Council Regulation 510/2006 for the registration of the Italian CIAUSCOLO sausage as a Protected Geographical Indication. Ciauscolo is a pigmeat product, comprising a mixture of the following cuts (in decreasing order): belly, up to 70 %; shoulder, up to 40 %; ham and loin trimmings, up to 30 %. The principal characteristic of Ciauscolo is its spreadability on bread.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 05.54
Tags: Geographical indications,
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1. Commission Regulation 1305/2008 of 19 December 2008 approving minor amendments to the specification for a name entered in the register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications (Maroilles or Marolles (PDO)) deals with some fine-tuning of the MAROILLES or MAROLLES appellation for French cheese. In particular, for a cheese to bear the name,
"(…) Coagulation may be carried out only using rennet.
The milk may not be concentrated by partially removing the watery part before coagulation.
In addition to the raw dairy materials, the only ingredients or production aids or additives authorised in the milk during production are rennet, innocuous bacterial cultures, yeasts, moulds, calcium chloride and salt.
(…) The dairy raw materials, partly finished products, curd and fresh cheese may not be conserved at a temperature below 0 °C.
(…) Fresh cheese and cheese undergoing the maturing process may not be conserved under a modified atmosphere".
Tags: Geographical indications,

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