Now in its twelfth year, Class 46 is dedicated to European trade mark law and practice. This weblog is written by a team of enthusiasts who want to spread the word and share their thoughts with others.
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MARQUES international advertising portal goes live
The latest MARQUES News Channel bulletin brings news that its International Advertising Law Portal is now up and running, bringing to its membership the benefits of a lot of hard work by its Brands & Marketing Team. States the bulletin:
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 06.06"How does each country police their advertising? Which administrative body must you answer to if anyone has a complaint against your advertising? Can you advertise to children? Have you ever wondered how strict trade mark offices of a particular country are when it comes to the prohibition of the registration of immoral or scandalous marks?
Over the last year, the Brands & Marketing Team has been gathering general information on the rules and regulations on advertising vices, advertising to children and immoral or scandalous marks in certain jurisdictions. Thanks to generous contributions of time and expertise by a number of colleagues, relevant information from almost 40 countries has been gathered.
The Team has edited and streamlined this information and posted it on their Team page on the MARQUES website in a way which they hope is easily accessible and useful to members.The Portal is now live so we may officially introduce to you our International Advertising Law Portal! Please stop by and take a look here.
We thank all of you who contributed to this project (all names are listed in the Portal's introduction and at the top of each report). Information for additional countries continues to be added so if you do not see your contribution yet, you will shortly. If a MARQUES member from a country not currently listed would like to contribute or if existing contributors would like to update their entries, please contact Cara Boyle or Kathryn Szymczyk, the Principal Editors for the Portal. We want to make this a useful resource and would very much appreciate your input. Of course, all contributors will be listed as the source of information for their jurisdiction".
Tags: MARQUES International Advertising Law Portal,
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