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Now in its twelfth year, Class 46 is dedicated to European trade mark law and practice. This weblog is written by a team of enthusiasts who want to spread the word and share their thoughts with others.

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Anthonia Ghalamkarizadeh
Birgit Clark
Blog Administrator
Christian Tenkhoff
Fidel Porcuna
Gino Van Roeyen
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Niamh Hall
Nikos Prentoulis
Stefan Schröter
Tomasz Rychlicki
Yvonne Onomor
FRIDAY, 29 JULY 2022
July 2022 issue of HouseMARQUES

The latest issue of the HouseMARQUES newsletter is now available to read on the MARQUES website.

It includes an update on upcoming MARQUES events, such as the Annual Conference in Madrid and Luxury Brands Symposium in Florence

There is also news from the Designs Team on the UK designs consultation and the Anti-Counterfeiting and Parallel Trade Team on the Observatory’s 10th anniversary.

Regular features include roundups of news from EUIPO and WIPO and a summary of some recent decisions of the EU General Court, including links to the judgments.

In addition, there is a short report from the recent EUIPO Boards of Appeal IP Case Law Conference, which a number of MARQUES members took part in, and details of recent episodes of the Talking MARQUES podcast.

MARQUES members receive notification of new publications by email, as well as many other benefits. If you are not a MARQUES member, you can find out more about joining here.

Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 17.45
Tags: HouseMARQUES, IPCLC, EU General Court,
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