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EUIPO extends all time limits due to COVID-19
Rob Guthrie (Chair of the European Trademark Law & Practice Team) updates MARQUES members on the extension of time limits at the EUIPO including recent further guidance.
As many MARQUES members will be aware, due to the coronavirus outbreak Decision No EX-20-3 of the Executive Director of the EUIPO has extended time limits expiring between 9 March 2020 and 30 April 2020 to 1 May 2020 (in practice 4 May, since 1 May is a public holiday, followed by a weekend).
The EUIPO has now published further guidance which clarifies that the time limits which have been extended are “all procedural deadlines irrespective of whether they have been set by the Office or are statutory in nature”.
The guidance in full can be found here. It confirms that the time limits to which the extension applies include the opposition period, renewal requests, rights of priority and filing of appeals.
However, the extension does not apply to the time limit for appealing decisions of the Boards of Appeal to the General Court.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 16.45Tags: EUIPO, COVID-19, time limits,
